Net Neutrality, my thoughts

My take on Net Neutrality:

The old adage of free market vs government boundaries! – Let’s take a look at some different mediums, the telephone, heavily regulated, how much innovation have we seen there in the past 20 years? What about broadcast spectrum? Sure, we have HDTV now, but innovation? I worked on Microsoft Mediaroom a while back (it’s called ATT Uverse here in the States), do you know 10 years ago they had the capability of choosing what car you wanted to be in while a car race was going on, the angle of the  football field or team you wanted to see from during a game? All from your remote control! Why haven’t we seen it yet? Government regulations! – Let’s look at another medium not regulated in the slightest, the Internet! – When I got involved in it the rage was BBS technologies, a bank of modems where files/bulletin boards, etc were exchanged, then E-Mail took over and went nutso. Groupwise, Lotus Notes and Microsoft slugged it out. During that HTML went nutso, we know that story, then we have PKI, VoIP, IoT, and the plethora of other technologies, what’s the latest? Blockchain, who knows what else? Do you see a contrast?

What’s the big difference here? Free market vs heavily regulated mediums!

I’m no expert, but that’s how I see it.